Proszę o napisanie tego na poziomie klasy 7 działu 6 nie jestem za dobry w angielskim więc proszę o nieużywanie trudnych sformułować.
Zad 5

Proszę o napisanie tego na poziomie klasy 7 działu 6 nie jestem za dobry w angielskim więc proszę o nieużywanie trudnych sformułować NA TERAZ DAJE 100PKT Zad 5 class=

Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź: Napisałem ci Email spełnia każdy podpunkt zadania więc easy dostaniesz dobra ocenke mam nadzieje ze dostane naj ! z góry dziękuje !.

Wyjaśnienie:Hi Jan Kowalski,

I trust this email finds you well. I'm thrilled about the upcoming competition and wanted to share some preparation tips based on my past experience. Firstly, consistency in training is key, along with staying hydrated and maintaining a positive mindset.

Reflecting on my previous participation, I found that visualizing success greatly contributed to my performance. Could you kindly provide details regarding the event? Specifically, I'm interested in knowing the date, location, and any specific requirements.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Dominic Toretto

wersja z bardziej podstawowym językiem mam nadzieje ze tym razem ci sie podoba

Hey Karolina dykta

I hope you're doing well. I'm excited about the upcoming competition and wanted to give you some tips based on what I've learned. Firstly, make sure to train regularly, drink plenty of water, and keep a positive attitude.

Looking back at my previous competitions, I realized that imagining success really helped me perform better. Can you tell me more about the event? I'd like to know the date, location, and any specific requirements.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,Stefan Jarak  


Hi Peter,

Thanks for your email! It's great that you're going to take part in the Tough Mudder running competition. My advice for you is to train regularly, about 4-5 times a week, and remember to work on your pace. Try to run a little longer each time, and remember to stretch well before and after running. Get a good sleep the night before and don’t forget to bring water and energy snacks for the run.

When I ran in it last year, it was a lot of fun, but also very competitive. I wasn't ready for how fast everyone was, so it’s important to know the course earlier and be ready for anything. It was also a great chance to meet other runners and hang out after the run.

Could you let me know when and where this year's competition will be? Are there any new rules or changes to the course?

Good luck, and I can't wait to hear from you!



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